Thursday, September 11, 2008

Figure and Artists Oil Timed Practice 1

Based on an image I found on the net. Can you tell what it is? I'm not sure if I could without already knowing. Hopefully these practice things will get better. Going to try to do something like this at least once a day to stay sharp and try and improve. I'll be tackling things I'm not particularly good at. How else would I improve? In this particular case, it's colors and the use of the artist oils tool.
I used only basic colors mixing them in the mixer in painter and this is what the mixer looked like when I was done
Mixing the colors was extremely difficult, but that's what makes it good practice but controlling colors I didn't want with the Artist Oils tools proved even more difficult. This exercise took roughly 60 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What program did you use for that?